We are highly dedicated and tirelessly committed to our work.

We are a collective of forward-thinking, well-educated, and profoundly experienced professionals who share a common dedication to crafting effective, collaborative, and lucrative investment strategies. Our mission is to empower our clients to realize feats they never thought possible. It is the combination of our distinctive solutions and vast reservoir of expertise that renders us an indispensable resource to numerous clients. We eagerly aspire to be the driving force behind your triumph as well.

David B. Webber


David assumes the role of our esteemed leader and serves as our foremost authority in investments, business and law.

David, holding a diverse array of degrees in law, business, and tax, boasts a rich professional history, collaborating with renowned global enterprises. He is a multifaceted professional, serving as a litigator, attorney, UCC authority, business strategist, seasoned investor, IRS Tax code specialist, blockchain and cryptocurrency adept, IT virtuoso, and, above all, an intrepid and visionary leader. His aptitude for navigating the most challenging situations and delivering results when others falter is truly remarkable. Furthermore, he's known for his culinary prowess, particularly when it comes to crafting an exceptional steak.

Deus Vult !

Jason H. Collins


Jason excels in the role of our Chief Operations Officer

Mr. Collins excels in the seamless execution of complex and challenging tasks, all while maintaining a distinctive sense of style and charisma. His prominence within the realm of operations is widely acknowledged. Additionally, he is happily married to a person of remarkable stature and charm.
I enjoy making impossible things possible.

Daniel G. Watson


Dan possesses a specialized expertise in fostering the collaboration of intricate technologies and systems, even when they display reluctance to do so."

Mr. Watson brings with him a wealth of experience and exemplary coding proficiency as an integral part of the WolfVortex team. He effectively oversees our extensive network of electronic devices, leading a team of world-class professionals.

1001101110001101110 --there, I just fixed your computer.

Michael G. Cricchio

Chief Legal officer

Michael serves as head of our legal team and is an expert litigator and negotiator. He is known for his expertise in navigating complex financial scenarios.

Mike takes great pride in orchestrating the harmonious integration of intricate systems and mechanisms. In his leisure, he savors the delights of a classic Philly cheesesteak and indulges in quality time spent with his canine companion.

If there is will, there is a way.

David Chkhartishvili

Principal, CIO, Chief Compliance Officer, Of Counsel

David serves as our accomplished chief investments officer, as well as our compliance, privacy, ethics & risk management lead. Known for his exceptional skill and expertise in law & investments, he takes pride in navigating complex compliance protocols.

David enjoys keeping everyone in legal compliance and out of the courtroom. In his leisure, he enjoys sailing the Chesapeake and playing rugby.

Ethics and privacy are the core of successful enterprises.

Rebecca Brown

SVP of Public Relations

Rebeca adeptly manages our clients' daily requirements, consistently making the task appear effortless.

After amassing years of experience within a range of renowned international organizations, Ms. Brown chose to apply her expertise and charisma at WolfVortex, dedicating herself to the advancement of our clients' objectives.

I get everything done with a smile on my face.

Ray Mendez

SVP of Design

Ray specializes in the creation of aesthetically pleasing, functional, and elegant designs to enhance the overall appeal and effectiveness of our offerings.

Mr. Mendez contributes a wealth of industry experience, a well-documented history of successful outcomes, and a distinctive design approach that consistently exceeds our clients' expectations.

I bring fuego to the party.

Kate Litman

SVP of Advisory Services

Kate plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless coordination and efficient organization, consistently maintaining alignment with predetermined objectives.

Mrs. Litman is renowned for her invaluable counsel, extending her expertise not only within the business realm but also in various aspects of life beyond the office.

I always can !

Liz Garcia

SVP of Accounting & Tax

Liz is a self-declared maestro of numbers. Her remarkable skills encompass the ability to swiftly reconcile balance sheets with a mere click of the mouse and maintaining an unwavering preparedness with an alternative strategy.

Ms. Garcia regularly engages in spirited debates with our CEO on matters pertaining to IRS code and legal aspects, considering it a mental exercise. However, her proficiency in the realm of numbers remains unchallenged, rendering any argument against her prowess futile.

I do numbers, so you don't have to.

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